Allow yourself to be guided by your smartphone and set off for an adventure among friends, in pairs or with your families on the Chablais pathways. Along the way, answer the questions which will be affixed on your screens and collect a wealth of information on the region, while enjoying yourselves!
Allow yourself to be guided by your smartphone and set off for an adventure among friends, in pairs or with your families on the Chablais pathways. Along the way, answer the questions which will be affixed on your screens and collect a wealth of information on the region, while enjoying yourselves!
From Aigle, take the train to Ollon and then come back walking. You can also do a smallest tour walking between Aigle and Yvorne.
The journey extends over nearly 10 kms. Allow for more or less a three-and-a-half-hour walk.
The excursion is accessible to persons of average fitness and children who are able to walk by themselves. The paths are all asphalted and can be followed with pushchairs, taking into account big differences in level in places.
All along this walk, you will be guided by you smartphone (Android or iPhone). The application does not require any external connection; it works thanks to the GPS and asks that you authorise access to your location data. Before leaving, ensure that your mobile phone is fully charged or equip yourself with a battery charger.
Good walking-shoes and a bottle of water are also advised.
When you need a break...
The scenery in Chablais lends itself perfectly to well-deserved breaks. Be sure to respect nature and the private properties along the way; don't leave any other souvenirs of your passing-by than taking photos...
The village cafés and restaurants along the way will gladly welcome you for a drink or a meal.
Responsibility and security
You undertake this stroll in the countryside, the town and the villages on your own responsibility. Please respect the countryside and the private properties. Be careful and read our safety reminder below, which ensures a safe stroll. In the event of an accident, Aigle Tourism disclaims all liability.
SAFETY reminders
The stroll in the Chablais vineyards takes you off the beaten track to typical villages and along the vines.
During your discovery stroll, remember these safety instructions.
Where should you walk?
• Preferably use the sidewalks.
• If there are no sidewalks, walk on the side of the road.
• If you walk on the road, preferably use the left-hand side in the direction you walk in. Bikers have priority on the cycle tracks.
How to cross a road?
• Preferably use the pedestrian crossings.
• If you see no crossing, cross the road where you have good visibility, avoid sharp turns, uphill areas, bridges and parking areas.
• Be careful when you cross the road; choose a good moment and cross at a good pace.
Thank you for your attention and caution. Enjoy your stroll in the heart of the Chablais vineyards!