Raft down the Sarine, cross its gorges and discover the beauty of the Pays d'Enhaut from the perspective of this wild river.
Sail down the Sarine on a raft. Look up to contemplate the spectacular gorges of Vanel and Gérignoz.
Let yourself be carried along the meandering river or face the rapids and eddies, paddle in hand! You'll run along the green undergrowth, home to a variety of wildlife. The experience is full of excitement, adrenaline and the contemplation of pristine landscapes.
Experienced and certified guides are available to accompany you on your walk and to give you more information about the different activities. Look up to contemplate the spectacular gorges of Vanel and Gérignoz.
Let yourself be carried along the meandering river or face the rapids and eddies, paddle in hand! You'll run along the green undergrowth, home to a variety of wildlife. The experience is full of excitement, adrenaline and the contemplation of pristine landscapes.
Experienced and certified guides are available to accompany you on your walk and to give you more information about the different activities.